When Exactly Is the Best Time to Prune Trees?

Did you know that mature, healthy trees can increase the value of your home by up to 15%?

Even one tree can have a significant impact on your property. A fifteen-year-old tree on the west side of your home can reduce cooling costs by nearly 12%. Trees also block wind during the winter and can lower heating costs. 

Your trees need specialized care to keep them at their healthiest. 

Pruning is a critical part of tree care. Pruning helps give structure to the tree and encourages new growth.

But when is the best time to prune trees? Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of pruning your trees and the right time to do so.

The Difference Between Pruning and Trimming

Many components go into good tree care. Pruning and trimming your trees might seem like the same thing but each comes with its own direction and purpose. 

Tree pruning removes portions of the tree to enhance growth. Pruning is also needed to remove dead branches without affecting the healthy ones. 

Tree trimming is needed to keep the tree's size manageable. Trimming also gives trees and shrubs a desirable shape. Topiary is an example of tree trimming for ornamental purposes. 

Let's learn more about when to prune the different types of trees in your yard. 

Pruning Fruit Trees 

Mature fruit trees are the most desirable trees to have on your property. They produce fragrant blooms in the spring and fruit in the late summer or early fall. Many fruit trees are also tall enough to provide shade.

However, fruit trees need a bit more upkeep than others. A pruning schedule is important for your residential landscaping service. 

Fruit trees need pruning in the late winter or early spring months. Pruning at this time prepares fruit trees for the arrival of warmer weather when they'll begin growing in earnest. 

But incorrect pruning can ruin your harvest altogether.

An arborist can approach a fruit tree in two ways. The tree might need pruning for maximum fruit yield or a more natural appearance. Some customers may want a combination of the two.

If your focus is on your fruit harvest, the trees' height and breadth must be manageable for easy picking. The shape of the branches also needs to be kept in check to allow maximum sun exposure. 

Others prefer a more natural look to their fruit trees. These trees still need pruning but will grow taller, and the branches will spread wider. Their fruit might not be as easy to pick, but you'll have a large tree that is aesthetically pleasing. 

Fruit trees can also be at risk for disease. Regular inspection by your arborist can catch the disease in its early stages. Prompt attention allows time for treatment before it ruins your harvest or spreads to your entire orchard.

Have a chat with your tree specialist about the specific needs of your fruit trees. Then set them up for success with a properly timed pruning schedule. 

Pruning Shade Trees 

Shade trees bring nature right to our doorsteps. They provide shelter for birds and small mammals. They also add beautiful seasonal colors to the rest of your landscaping. 

The first few years of a shade tree's life should be closely monitored. Your tree will need regular pruning to form it into the desired shape. Pruning young trees also helps them direct their energy toward growing up instead of out. 

Expertly pruned young trees also grow faster than those left to their own devices.

Regular pruning in the early stages prevents the tree's branches from growing too close to structures or power lines. Pruning will keep the branches from causing damage and expensive repairs to your roof or gutters.

The best time to prune shade trees is during the winter months. The trees are dormant at this time, so pruning doesn't inhibit growth. By pruning during the colder months, insects are less likely to infect the wounded tree, allowing it to heal.

Shade trees may also need emergency pruning. Severe weather can weaken or break branches, and those need to be addressed by an expert immediately.

Dead or dying branches also need to be seen by an arborist. If a disease is a culprit, it's essential that a specialist evaluate your trees to prevent the disease from spreading. 

Let the Experts Help You Determine the Best Time to Prune Trees

When it comes to giving your trees optimum care, it's always best to consult an expert. Your local tree service has keen knowledge about the types of trees that grow in your area and the vulnerabilities they face. 

Pruning is also called tree surgery. It's best to leave that job to someone who knows how to prune trees. 

The seasons of the year don't always follow a strict schedule. For instance, you may have a tree scheduled for pruning in March. But what if the weather is drastically colder or warmer at that time? 

When you have a relationship with an arborist, they become familiar with your trees. They'll be able to notify you if your pruning schedule should change due to the weather. They can also let you know how to protect your trees from sudden and extreme weather changes. 

Pruning at the wrong time can have devastating consequences for your trees. Working with an expert arborist gives your trees the best chance for success.

Talk With Your Tree Experts About Pruning Today 

Your trees add so much to your life and your property. Give them the best care possible, including a regular pruning schedule. 

Speak with an expert today to learn more about the best time to prune trees and how to keep them healthy for years to come. 

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