How Trimming Trees in Spring Makes Them More Managable

One of the first signs of spring are flowers bursting from the earth and trees beginning to bud. 

Before the warmer season gets into full swing, now is a great time to prune those trees.  

There are many benefits both to the tree, the surrounding landscape, and even the view by trimming trees in spring.  

Let’s look at why this is the best time of year to trim trees and get them in tip top shape for the season.  

You Can See the Problem Areas 

Now is the perfect time to see the body of the tree with all the branches bare. Soon there will be leaves and even fruit that will hide the structural flaws.  

You have a clear view of dead or dying branches that need to come off. You will also be able to tell which limbs are too close together.  

If there are multiple trees in your area, this is a great time to get a picture of how the landscape will take shape once the leaves have come out. You can make any adjustments for the exact look you wish to create.  

Remove Damaged Limbs 

Once you have identified where the problems are, you should remove all dead or damaged limbs.  

Trees that have been trimmed to remove damaged branches look better and are less likely to cause damage. A storm or high wind can easily break off a dead or diseased branch, and it is hazardous for anything in its path as it falls.  

Don’t wait until a branch is completely dead before cutting it away. The sooner you remove it from the rest of the tree the less decay that will continue. Dead tree tissues will attract insects that will bore into the wood and eventually destroy the entire tree. 

Stop Disease Growth 

There are serious tree diseases that become very active in the spring and summer seasons. Pruning trees in spring can eliminate the branches and area that contain the disease and keep it from spreading to new growth.  

Reduces Stress on the Trees 

Pruning a tree does cause an open wound. To lessen the damaging effects a tree wound spring is the best time to make these cuts. It allows time for the tree to heal before summer’s warmer weather invites in the insects that can penetrate and damage the area.  

Let the Sun Shine in 

Spring is the best time of year to trim trees because it opens up the tree to better air circulation. 

Removing overcrowding branches allows more sunlight to reach the base of the tree. The overall health of the tree is improved as well as any ground cover underneath.  

Improve the View 

Regardless of how beautiful your trees are, if you live in an area with a great view, you want to be able to enjoy it. Trimming low branches can open up the canopy and improve the view of your horizon.  

Trimming unsightly branches or limbs that hang too low can also dramatically change the look of the tree itself. You can transform the shape of the tree and maintain the beauty of your landscape. 

If you are looking to add to the beauty of your yard, here is a selection of trees you might choose. 

Safety Issues 

Trees that are left to grow unattended can sometimes get in the way of powerlines, other trees or building structures. Trimming back overgrown tree branches can be a vital safety measure.  

Better Harvest 

If you have fruit trees, pruning them back in the spring will have a positive effect on the fruit. Fruit trees should be shaped out and trimming weak branches lets in sunlight to the center.  

Pruning a fruit tree produces a bountiful crop with improved size and quantity.  

Co-Dominant Branches

When a tree has two branches growing straight up at the top of the tree, they become equally dominant. Keeping both of them weakens the tree and opens it up to cracking or falling in high winds. 

One of these branches should be cut down so the tree only has one dominant branch.

Creates a Stronger Tree 

If you want to work on molding your tree into a strong, solid addition to your landscape, you should trim away branches after the first growth spurt in spring.

Once this takes place, the food manufactured in the leaves of the tree will go straight into the roots. The added nutrition increases the overall strength of the tree.  

You can also use this time to remove limbs that are drooping or growing at an odd angle. You have a better sense of the overall look of the tree when the leaves have grown out.  

Tips for Trimming Trees in Spring

If you are attempting to trim the trees yourself, be sure to use safety equipment. You will need head protection and eyewear as well as gloves and hard toe shoes. 

Whether cutting a living or dead branch, always cut down and away at an angle. 

Branches are typically V-shaped and U-shaped. The U-shaped ones are usually stronger, so if choosing between the two, trim the V-shaped branch. 

If you are unsure about the equipment needed or the best way to cut the branches, it is always best to leave it to a professional tree trimmer. 

Care After Trimming 

After trimming the tree, it should be watered thoroughly and often. This encourages new growth. You can also fertilize the tree and tilling around the base increases the air circulation.

When removing a branch, do not cut flush with the tree. Leave a small area, or collar, where the branch started to form. This creates a smaller area that will need time to heal. 

The Bottom Line

There are many reasons for trimming trees in spring. You prepare them for new growth, good health long-term and create a beautiful tree for your viewing pleasure. 

It is important to make sure it is handled the right way. Incorrectly pruning or trimming a tree can injure the tree permanently. 

For more information on planning your landscape layout or help with tree trimming contact us.

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