How to Save a Dying Tree: A Step by Step Guide

A dead tree can pose several dangers. Knowing how to save a dying tree will protect you from these risks.

Several things can make a tree die. One of them is the adverse environment like drought conditions. Trees also die because of old age, harmful insects, and diseases like Armillaria root rot.

Saving a dead tree is a way of maintaining your property's value, integrity, and curb appeal. It also helps to protect the environment at large.

If your tree is sick, there are things to do to save its life. Here is a complete guide that will teach you how to save a dying tree.

Identify the Early Signs

There are various signs a tree is dying you should check out for. They will help you differentiate dying trees from already dead ones.

Dying and dead trees may look similar. Already dead trees cannot be brought back to life. So, identify signs that a tree is dying to avoid wasting your good time.

Here are the early signs a tree is dying.

The first sign is when the tree bark looks different from normal. The bark may have lost its initial texture. It may also be crumbling or falling off.

Changes on the leaves are other signs to identify. Check out for spots on the leaves or color changes. These signs may be due to diseases or insufficient nutrients.

You can also check for various pests like termites, beetles, or borers. Pests transmit diseases to trees, causing them to die quickly.

Other signs are weak/dried branches, dry trunks, and root or stem decay.

Knowing these signs is the first step to caring for a tree properly.

Determine the Exact Problem

Here, you should know why your tree is dying. This means that you must know various causes of death in trees.

It may be because of a disease, pest infestation, bad weather, and so on. A few things can help you determine the cause of the problem.

One of them is researching. Take time to do thorough research about various tree diseases or the environment you live in.

Not all pests attack trees. Don’t limit your research. Try to know the common tree pests, their effects, and recommended management techniques.

There are reasons to determine the cause of problems with your trees,

Various causes of tree deaths require different solutions. So, you will apply the best method to correct the problem.

You will also not waste your time or money on the wrong solutions.

Call an Expert

A professional arborist can help you save a dying tree in many ways.

First, not all people can identify signs of dying trees. Others may also not know the exact causes of deaths to trees. In such cases, it is important to contact a professional arborist.

A good arborist can also remove already dead trees from your place. By this, you will enjoy a safe and good-looking home.

You can call an arborist when you don’t know how to save your dying trees. They have great skills and expertise regarding various tree care tips.

Do not just contact any arborist. There are several tips to consider when selecting an arborist to help you make the right choice.

Correct Moisture Problems

Moisture problems arise when there is excessive water or too little water.

Moisture problems largely affect younger trees. Older trees can withstand dry seasons.

In many cases, moisture problems cause tree diseases. The common tree diseases associated with moisture problems are chlorosis, anthracnose, and septoria leaf spots.

Several things can help you correct these problems.

Excess rainfall may be a cause of overwatering. However, poor drainage of the soil around the tree escalates the problem.

There are signs of poor drainage around the trees. These are water-clogging and molds around the tree base.

Ensure that the soil around the tree is not saturated. You Can do this by improving the drainage or introducing more sunlight.

An automatic watering system helps to solve the problem of underwatering.

Proper Mulching Technique

Tree mulching comes with many benefits.

For one, it prevents soil moisture from evaporating. It is a good solution for retaining soil moisture during summer.

Excessive root temperature can affect normal tree growth and health. Tree mulching is necessary for the temperatures around the tree roots.

Tree mulching is only beneficial when done correctly. Poor tree mulching can cause the tree roots to rot. It can also affect the normal soil drainage around the trees.

There are a few tree mulching tips to consider. First, know when you should apply the tree mulch. Apply it before summer heat affects the tree roots.

Don’t also apply too much mulch.

Proper Pruning

Here, you remove the dead and weak branches from the trees. Pruning can be tricky, especially for beginners.

Ensure you know various pruning mistakes to avoid when saving your dying trees.

Proper tree pruning comes with several benefits.

For one, it prevents dead branches from transmitting diseases to other parts of the trees. Basically, it promotes the healthy growth of the trees.

It also keeps the trees in good shape. This can enhance your home’s outdoor aesthetic appeal.

Dead and diseased branches can fall at any time, causing property damage and injuries. So, pruning will prevent such risks.

There are various pruning techniques you can consider. These include crown thinning, crown reduction, raising, and topping.

Apply the Right Fertilizer

Fertilizers can quickly save your trees from dying. However, not applying them properly will damage your trees more.

You should also know the right types of fertilizers to apply. Organic fertilizers are better than artificial ones.

You should also not apply too much fertilizer. Excess fertilizer can contact the tree roots, burning them chemically.

This Is How to Save a Dying Tree

Saving a dead tree doesn’t have to be challenging. These tips will help bring back the life of a sick tree.

Knowing how to save a dying tree will give you a beautiful and safe home.

Do you have sick or dead trees? At GreenTopps Landscaping and Tree Service, we’re competent in tree trimming and removal services.

Contact us today for your needs.

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